The bridge is a mechanism for SGen to let clients override the death of some unreachable objects. We use it in monodroid to do garbage collection across the Mono and Java heaps.

The client (Monodroid) can designate some objects as "bridged", which means that they participate in the bridge processing step once SGen considers them unreachable, i.e., dead. Bridged objects must be registered for finalization.

When SGen is done marking, it puts together a list of all dead bridged objects. This is passed to the bridge processor, which does an analysis to simplify the graph: It replaces strongly-connected components with single nodes, and may remove nodes corresponding to components which do not contain bridged objects.

The output of the SCC analysis is passed to the client's cross_references() callback. This consists of 2 arrays, an array of SCCs (MonoGCBridgeSCC), and an array of "xrefs" (edges between SCCs, MonoGCBridgeXRef). Edges are encoded as pairs of "API indices", ie indexes in the SCC array. The client is expected to set the is_alive flag on those strongly connected components that it wishes to be kept alive.

In monodroid each bridged object has a corresponding Java mirror object. In the bridge callback it reifies the Mono object graph in the Java heap so that the full, combined object graph is now instantiated on the Java side. Then it triggers a Java GC, waits for it to finish, and checks which of the Java mirror objects are still alive. For those it sets the is_alive flag and returns from the callback.

The SCC analysis is done while the world is stopped, but the callback is made with the world running again. Weak links to bridged objects and other objects reachable from them are kept until the callback returns, at which point all links to bridged objects that don't have is_alive set are nulled. Note that weak links to non-bridged objects reachable from bridged objects are not nulled. This might be considered a bug.

There are three different implementations of the bridge processor, each of which implements 8 callbacks (see SgenBridgeProcessor). The implementations differ in the algorithm they use to compute the "simplified" SCC graph.
